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Hi, welcome to my website! I'm Lalith, a researcher in the field of computer assisted surgeries, with a focus on computer vision. My PhD centres on deep learning based endoscopic image analysis. Here, I worked on 3D reconstruction, depth estimation, landmark detection, unpaired image translation, and segmentation.

My work contributed to 15+ publications in high-impact journals (IEEE JBHI, IJCARS, Annals of Thoracic Surgery, EJCTS, pre-work for Nature) and conferences (MICCAI, SPIE, CURAC, BVM), garnering 4 poster awards and 2 invited talks.

Besides training models, I love science communication - I have presented my research work as science slams in locations across Germany for a cumulative audience of 4000+. In my free time, I love to nerd out on science history, mathematics, cook, or write. Check out my research and publications, or just get in touch with me for my resume or to know more!


Aug 2024
The defense of my doctoral degree (Dr. sc. hum.), will take place on Wednesday, the 16th of October, 2024 in the rigorosum format.
Aug 2024
My cumulative dissertation titled Deep learning based image analysis for endoscopic minimally invasive mitral valve repair is successfully accepted by the doctoral committee! The examiners for my defense have been assigned.
Jun 2024
I gave a hands-on tutorial on transfomer models for medical computer science students.
Jun 2024
I gave two science slams: in Heidelberg (first place) and Mainz (shared first place)

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